Feel free to use our yarn calculator. It will show you how many balls you need per type of yarn and project.
Some examples:
> To make a hat, you’ll only need 1 ball of yarn, if it’s made from petite wool or bulky wool.
> To make a scarf, it depends on what stitch you are using and how long you want your scarf to be. We recommend between 1 and 3 balls of bulky wool:
- 1 ball if you want to make a short cowl like the Himba Snood.
- 2 balls if you want to make a scarf like our Nico Scarf.
- And if you want to make a very long and cozy scarf like our Unique Scarf you will need 5 skeins
If you prefer to use Petite Wool, you'll need 4 or 5 skeins to knit a scarf. Check out the following kits: Morse Scarf and Le Marais Shawl.
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